
1- Company Liquidation Procedures and Bankruptcy, Concordat Consultancy

2- Company Mergers, Acquisitions, Due Diligence Company Valuations and Restructurings

Our consultancy services on mergers, acquisitions and company valuations can be listed as follows:

  • Determination of the value of your company, company valuations according to the Net Asset Value Method, Discounted Cash Flows Method, Price Earnings Ratio Method and other methods, and preparation of due diligence reports.
  • Determination of the main factors affecting the value of the company.
  • Measuring the value that mergers and acquisitions add to your company.
  • Identification of risks and opportunities created by company acquisition and sales transactions.
  • Investigating the factors that will bring companies to long-term success in mergers or acquisitions.

3- Strategy and Management Consultancy Services

  • Increasing the efficiency of companies’ core activities,
  • Increasing the effectiveness of sales and marketing processes by analyzing them,
  • Developing sustainable and profitable relationships with customers to increase revenues,
  • Increasing service provision competence,
  • We provide consultancy services on whether the technological infrastructure supports operations and business processes.

4- Public Offering Transactions

The public offering process; We provide services as independent auditors in advising or providing opinions to business owners and management and verifying the financial information in the public offering prospectus.

During the public offering process; We work in coordination with investment banks, law firms, auditors, financial advisors and other parties involved in the process.

The market in which the public offering will be held, the preparation phase and legal services related to the public offering are among the issues we provide consultancy services on.

Understanding which market is right for you and what regulations and market practices you must comply with, assembling a team of experts, preparing a timeline for closing transactions, planning how to present your financial records if they have been affected by a spin-off, restructuring or changes in accounting policies, project manager We are with you during the appointment phases.

5- Reporting According to IFRS and BOBİ FRS

Turkish Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards were published by KGK. These standards bring innovations in the accounting of transactions and preparation of financial statements according to the Uniform Chart of Accounts. We assist companies in harmonizing their registration systems and financial statements with international standards, organize trainings and provide consultancy services on this subject.

6- Financial and Operational Risk Management

We help businesses establish risk management systems. Businesses must identify, control and manage their financial and operational risks. Otherwise, the business may encounter unexpected negative consequences. We provide consultancy services on the establishment of risk management systems that will enable the identification of financial risks faced by businesses in fluctuating and constantly changing markets and operational risks that arise during business processes, that is, risks related to business practices and habits, and to take measures to prevent the risks from occurring.

7- Investment, Incentive, Grant and Foreign Trade Transactions

We closely follow the investment incentive and grant support legislation and determine the most appropriate support model for companies that want to receive incentives or grants.

We obtain Incentive Certificates and provide consultancy services on incentive practices such as tax, insurance and interest support.

We prepare projects for European Union and national grant supports and assist companies in the realization of the investment.

We provide consultancy services to companies that will invest abroad and obtain funds from abroad.

We provide consultancy services on all foreign trade issues such as import, export, customs and foreign exchange transactions.